The Ultimate Guide for Choosing the Board Size you Need
If you're new to the world of paddle boarding, then choosing the right board size can be a daunting task. Unlike skis or snowboards, paddle board size is not specific to height and weight. But don't worry, at Sea Gods we are SUP Instructors and are here to help you navigate the waters. In this blog, we will discuss the factors you should consider when selecting the right board size, and how Sea Gods can help you choose the perfect board for you.

Firstly, it's important to understand that unless you are very large or small, you can choose a board based on what you want to do rather than your physical attributes. Small is under 5'3" and large is over 6' and 220 lb, more tips for you below. So, ask yourself what your primary use for the board will be. Are you looking for a niche board to race or do yoga? Or do you want an all-around board that can cater to multiple activities? Once you have answered these questions, you can then narrow down your options. If you need some guidance, try taking this quiz!
Secondly, when you are choosing an inflatable paddle board size, considering the weight capacity of the board is more a question of quality than size. If you are a heavy, or even average size rider on a budget board made of light weight materials it will likely be a single layer pvc and tend to droop in the middle and be shaped like a banana. This is a crucial point to drive home, because if the board is not designed to hold your weight, it will likely bend and be very unstable and slow to paddle. The range of Pressure that your board can hold is a good indicator of quality and you can see what a difference it makes with this video.
At Sea Gods, our boards are designed with the best materials and construction methods to ensure maximum weight capacity. So, you don't have to worry about sinking in murky waters- even with 300+ lb on your board. When we give the suggested weight capacity of 200lb on the Elemental Wave Ten6 x 32 inch all around its not because it will sink or bend, it is because if you are more than 200lb you are likely quite tall and would prefer a longer board like the Carta Marina Touring board, or you might be needing more stability and we would steer you to the wider boards at 33 or 34 inches wide- more on that below.
Thirdly, another consideration is the width of the board. A great width for most riders is 32”. That is a nice combination of stability and also efficiency- too wide and you will be working hard to move through the water. This 32” width is used in both the all around board and also the touring board. The next step up is 33”, which does make a difference when you are learning your footwork for a step back turn. 34” is as wide as you want to go- Our board for larger riders, multiple riders and for Yoga is 34” wide and it has amazing stability. An extra inch width doesn’t seem like a lot but it is surprising what a difference it makes in increasing stability and decreasing efficiency. If you're not sure which design is best for you, our knowledgeable customer service team can guide you in the right direction.
Fourthly, the length of the board also play an important role in efficiency and maneuverability- efficiency is how far you can go with less work, and maneuverability is how hard it is to turn. Longer boards are generally more efficient while shorter boards are more maneuverable. To turn a long board you can take a step back to sink the tail and raise the nose of the board, reducing the amount or board in the water pushing sideways as you turn. This is easier for taller riders with longer legs and more reach, meaning that a taller rider can enjoy the efficiency of a longer board without too much concern about maneuverability. A shorter rider may need to take 2 or more steps back to get the same effect, which is difficult, so for max enjoyment should just get the shorter board. 10’6” is a perfect all around length for most riders, and taller riders can go 11 or 12 feet long. A 14’ race board is only good at going straight and fast, and if you ride that, you won’t be reading this blog, you will be out ripping and don’t care about stability or manueverability.
Finally, as you're browsing for paddle boards, also consider your paddling experience. If you have never paddled before, it's essential to choose a board that is easy to maneuver- an all-around 10’6 x 32” is perfect, or 10’6 x 34” all around and stable board. On the other hand, if you are an experienced paddler, you may want to opt for a board that's more challenging like a 12” x 32” touring board or heck, why not the 14’ x 28” race board?. At Sea Gods, we offer different sizes and shapes that cater to everyone's paddling experience.
In conclusion, choosing the right paddle board size is all about understanding what you want to do with the board, and what will feel comfortable for you. While some factors influence the stability and maneuverability of a board, the most important factor is your comfort level. We hope this guide has helped you choose the perfect paddle board. If you have any questions or need more advice, feel free to reach out to us. Our customer service team will be more than happy to assist you! Get out there and start making waves with your new Sea Gods paddle board!